Thursday, June 9, 2011


Day two in Budapest! Cason and I are having a rad time exploring this city. We got to our hostel in pest yesterday around one and dealt with some logistics (phone, money, printing itineraries) and spent the day exploring pest and getting to know the metro system. We hopped around some of the really interesting bruin pubs last night before our jetlag gave out. Our high hopes for waking up early this morning and going to the baths were dashed when we slept through our 915 alarm and woke up around 1130. We spent the day in Buda walking around the old city and getting lost after taking the wrong bus (so much for getting to know the metro system) before making our way back to the hostel. Hungarian food tonight at a late night barbeque then tomorrow we will finally get to the baths before leaving early saturday morning for  a pit stop in bratislava on the way to vienna.

more to come!

1 comment:

  1. ZKN! Budapest sounds awesome. I want more details on the bruin pubs! Continue having fun exploring, and I want to see pictures!
