Sunday, June 26, 2011

The last few days

Cason and I are currently in Paris. After tonight, our eurotrip will be complete as we both leave tomorrow morning. What a wild and amazing time it has been! We came from Amsterdam, which while known to be the drug/sex/rock and roll capitol of Europe, was in fact, outside of the centrum, one of the most beautiful charming cities I have ever visited. We spent most of our time at museums and exploring interesting neighborhoods. The "9 streets" area in the Canal Ring West was by far my favorite where each building was a different bright color and funky boutiques and cafes spilled out onto the street in every direction you looked. One boutique was this leather store that made wallets, bags, and the most beautiful mens and women's shoes I've ever seen.

From shoe stores to stroopwaffles (which made up a large portion of my diet in amsterdam), we had a good time in Amsterdam.

We were blessed with amazing weather in Paris after what seemed like october weather in Berlin and Amsterdam, and went to the huge Paris Pride parade yesterday to enjoy the afternoon. With our final day, we went to Istitut du Monde Arab before Cason leaves for Lebanon tomorrow morning and enjoyed each others company in the beautiful city of Paris before we part ways for our respective gap years.

1 comment:

  1. Loving the shoes, sounds like you are having a great time!
